Y3 Wider Curriculum Week beginning 6th July
Date: 3rd Jul 2020 @ 12:09pm
Hi everyone - i've planned some art for you this week. I hope you enjoy it! Mrs C
Art – Investigating the work of William Morris
At the end of the week it would be lovely if your child had access to some string, glue, cardboard (only 12cm x 12cm) and some paint so that they can create a stamp. If this is not possible – don’t worry!
L.O: To find out about a famous artist – William Morris
Children use the powerpoint (or internet if they wish to do their own research) to find out about the life and art of William Morris. Do they recognise any of the prints? What do they notice about his art work?
Children copy out sentences on last page of slide and write down 3 interesting facts they have found out about William Morris.
L.O: To make observations about colour
Children look back at yesterday’s powerpoint and study the examples of art. What do they notice about the colours William Morris used? They were very natural colours and realistic colours.
Can children use realistic colours to colour in a William Morris print. This is a lovely opportunity for children to focus and work quietly. Pencil Crayons are the best medium to use if possible.
Wednesday (make sure you’ve had 2 days since setting up celery)
L.O: To replicate art work using symmetry
TASK 1 -Find attached 2 different William Morris prints. Can children use their careful observation skills and knowledge of symmetry to complete the pattern? (Feel free to send photos!)
L.O: To design a print.
We are going to use printing to create our own wallpaper in the style of William Morris. Use the powerpoint for details.
L.O: To create a piece of art in the style of William Morris
It’s time to get creative! Today can experiment using your print/prints. Use paint and paint the string on your design (try not to get the cardboard). Press down on a piece of paper and count to 10. Lift your print to see your design. Try repeating patterns or see the effect if the shape is rotated (turned). Think about using natural colours like William Morris.
How is your wallpaper? What did you enjoy doing? What would you do differently next time?