Y3 Remote Education Wider Curriculum, Reading, PSHE, PE 21.06.21
Date: 18th Jun 2021 @ 3:58pm
Wider Curriculum - Science
LO: To understand how different surfaces reflect light.
For this lesson you will need a torch and a piece of card. You will also need a collection of different surfaces to use in your experiment. Some tin foil, a piece of bright material / card/ paper, a piece of dark material / card / paper, a piece of white material/card / paper, a piece of carpet (don’t worry, you can leave it in place!) and some bubble wrap or other plastic would be a good start.
Task 1) When might it be important for a surface to be able to reflect light?
Task 2) Read through the PowerPoint. At slide 7 you will need to have your different surfaces ready. At slide 8 you will need to make your reflective tester. You may need a grown-up to make a hole in the card for you; we found using a sharp pencil and then making smalls cuts with some scissors going out from this hole, a good way to do this. At slide 9 you will be carrying out your experiment. Come back to the PowerPoint when you have completed your experiment.
Task 3) Complete the task sheet 3 about your experiment and carry out your reflective testing of the different surfaces.
Task 4) Design your book bag. Remember to highlight the reflective areas that will add to its safety.
Tasks 1, 2 and 3
PSHE – Anti-Bullying – Upstander or Bystander?
Read through the discussion cards and see if you can answer the questions.
Create a poster like the WAGOLL showing the important message of being an upstander and not a bystander.
Task 1 – Spiders Web
Task 2 –Squash that balloon
Task 3 – Squat and shoot
Task 4 – Stick man