Y3 Remote Education Wider Curriculum 29/3
Date: 26th Mar 2021 @ 8:50am
This week’s wider curriculum work finishes our learning on Prayer.
Lesson 1: What is Hinduism?
L.O: To understand the main beliefs held by Hindus
Video link 1: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/z6q6sbk
Task 1 – create a jigsaw of yourself (like my example) What are your different forms? School child, sister, daughter, gymnast, baker…
Video Link 2: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zh86n39/articles/zmpp92p
Task 2 – Describe the main beliefs held by Hindus
Lesson 2: How do Hindus pray?
L.O: To compare Islamic and Hindu prayer
Video Links:
After learning about Hindu prayer we are going to sort statements onto a Venn Diagram. In a Venn diagram, if a statement is true about both things, it goes in the middle.
Lesson 3 – Why do people pray?
L.O: To explore reasons why people pray
Look at the examples of prayer from different religions and the reasons that some people give for praying. Do you pray? How does it make you feel?
Task 1 – Write a paragraph explaining why you think people pray
Task2 – write your own prayer. Use the ideas on the flipchart to help you.
PE - remember the importance of a healthy life style: Drink water, don’t have unhealthy snacks, and be active for at least an hour a day. Remember that if you are isolating, you can still go into your garden! If the weathers isn’t nice, there’s lot of things you can do online such as Joe Wickes, Go Noodle… If you need some inspiration for indoor or outdoor exercise, use these tasks!