Y3 Remote Education English 22/3
Date: 19th Mar 2021 @ 4:33pm
L.O: To plan a persuasive letter
Today you are going to think of an object in your house that might not get the respect it wants and plan a reason for it moaning!
L.O: To write a persuasive letter
There's a flipchart to help you with some ideas/structure at the start of the lesson but then we'd like you to try and write the actual letter by yourself. It gives you chance to show how amazing you are. There is a word mat to use for ideas if you are stuck!
L.O: To edit my writing
Today you need to read through your letter. Can you spot any errors or places where you can improve? You also need to check against your success criteria. Have you tried hard to include all the features?
You can then write your letter up in neat on special paper :)
Thursday and Friday
L.O: TO use Y3 SPAG skills.
SPend the next two days solving the SPAG mystery! Can you work out who is guilty?
Don't forget there are also spellings to look at online too