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Y3 Home learning 29 4

Date: 28th Apr 2020 @ 5:55pm

Bonjour la classe! 

Today I am channelling my inner Mrs Scammell and being very French and very smiley. I like it!! Have you seen the blog she has added about RSPB? We have a bird feeder in our front garden (far away so that Lola can't get it). Our lounge is upstairs so we can watch the birds from our window. We get lots (and I mean lots) of robins, blackbirds, coal tits and great tits. I try to ignore the pigeons as they steal all the food! We also saw a yellow wagtail on our walk near the river. Have a google - they're beautiful birds!

Home learning for the next few days is fun. Mr White would like you to make a bar chart. Mrs Kirk would like you to try some reading comprehensions (great when the weather is rainy!) and I found a bbc bitesize lesson featuring Oti Mabussi which has some great comprehension work too! Have you tried an Oti Mabussi dance workout - they're lots of fun. My favourite so far has been Taylor Swift. 

Mrs Scammell has also added some Lockdown Reading challenges. You can complete these about any of the books you have read recently. How many challenges can you complete over the next few weeks?

In Geography, you are learning about compass points. Your adults might even let you use their phone for this one!

Have a good few days, 

Mrs Collis

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