Y3 English Week beginning 30.11.20
Date: 26th Nov 2020 @ 3:27pm
Y3 English
Monday 30.11.20
LO: To use a dictionary to find out meanings of words and check for spellings.
It’s an important skill to be able to use a dictionary quickly and accurately.
Read and complete the ‘Dictionary Task’ pdf.
If you have time, have a go at the ‘Dictionary skills’ pdf.
Choose *, ** or *** option.
*Challenge – Dictionary challenge sheet
Tuesday 01.12.20
LO: To use the homophones ‘there, their and they’re’ correctly
There, their and they're are often confused (by adults as well as children!).
Read through and complete the ‘They’re, There and Their’ pdf.
*Challenge – print out the Challenge sheet and correct the mistakes in green pen.
Wednesday 02.12.20
LO: To create a mind map for a non-chronological report
Watch the video links and make notes on the mind map about:
Farming and Homes
Cave Art
Thursday 03.12.20
LO: To write a non-chronological report
Use your mind map from yesterday to write a non-chronological report about the Stone Age.
Write your report on the ‘Stone Age non-chronological report’ pdf.
Check you have included everything on the success criteria – see pdf.