Y3 English Week beginning 09.11.20
Date: 6th Nov 2020 @ 4:23pm
Y3 English
Monday 09.11.20
LO: To know what headings and sub-headings are for.
Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMVWPvhFrpw
Go through the power point (Headings and sub headings).
Choose and write down 4 sub-headings you would like for a non-chronological report about hedgehogs.
Tuesday 10.11.20
L.O: To plan a non-chronological report
Use the Hedgehog report template to plan your own report about hedgehogs.
Watch the clip from Monday again if you want a recap.
You can change your subheadings if you want to.
Read the Hedgehog report WAGOLL for some ideas to use.
Think about what you want to have in the spaces on the template.
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 11, 12, 13.11.20
LO: To write a non-chronological report
Print out another copy of the template from yesterday.
Write your non-chronological report using your plan as a guide.
Remember – your introduction is to hook the reader and introduce the topic.
You have 3 days to write the different sections of your report and include a lovely picture.