Whole School Let's get cooking!
Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 2:05pm
EDIT: Thanks so much for all the recipes you have sent in so far. What a talented bunch you are!
Good afternoon everyone!
It's Mrs Scammell here from Y3SC. I hope you are all well and managing to keep busy at home during lockdown.
The other staff and I have loved hearing about what you have been doing at home with your families. It has been great to see that in addition to the learning you have been set, many of you have been using this time to perfect your cooking and baking skills. Some of you have found that some of the ingredients you would usually use haven't been available so you have had to get creative with what you have made. We have decided to create a "Dobcroft Lockdown Recipe Book" so that even though we can't be together at the moment we can still come together to create a lasting memory of some of our most tasty creations.
Recipes can be handwritten or typed, illustrated with a drawing or a photo and can include a photo of you cooking or baking if you don't mind that being included in our finished collection. Electronic versions can be emailed in to school, posted or hand-delivered to our BEAUTIFUL cake box (thank you Mrs Scriven) in the main entrance to school on your daily exercise.
The staff will also be getting involved so you will be able to find out how to make Ms Powell's "Scotch Wellington Roll", Mr Harrison's Lego cake or one of Miss Drabble's famous bakes!
Please make sure anything you do make is made safely and with adult supervision.
Happy creating!
We look forward to hearing from you soon!
Mrs Scammell and the DJS team x