Year 3 English Home Learning Week beginning 8th June
Date: 4th Jun 2020 @ 2:36pm
WB: 8TH June Overview
Hi year 3,
Thank you for all working so hard on your English home learning. You are all trying your best in these strange and difficult times. We had lots of positive comments about the English work last week. We are so pleased you enjoyed it. This week you will be reading reports on gaming and then later in the week you will look at shape poetry and tenses.
Further details of activities and resources are attached for each day.
Parents - You may find it easier to print all the pages (so you have it all together) but if you want to save on printing, each day references the pages which may require printing.
Aim: Read reports and revise features of non-chronological reports.
Does anyone love Lego star wars? Today you will read a report on the game. Once you have read the report you will revise the features of a non-chronological report before reading another report. Don’t worry if you don’t read all the reports. Perhaps pick your two favourites. Reading the reports will help you with tomorrow’s work.
Pages to print: 7 (it may be useful to print the reading off too)
Aim: Revise features of reports, play games and write a report about one of them.
We know lots of children will enjoy reading today’s report as it’s all about FIFA 19. Once you have read the report, you will explore a CBeebies game and write a game report. If you wish, you can pick a game you have at home rather than one of the CBeebies games. Check out the video below which explains some of the important features of a non-chronological report.
How to write a non-chronological report video link:
Pages to print: Page 5, 6 and 7
Aim: Revise past and present tenses, complete exercises. Read a poem and write their own version
Who is your best friend? We thought today it would be lovely for you to write a portrait poem and send it to your best friend. We are sure you are all missing your friends and they would love to hear from you.
You will also revise the present and past tenses. This will help you with tomorrow’s work.
Video on present and past tenses:
Pages to print: Page 4 and 5
Thursday and Friday
Aim: Study the progressive form of verbs, past and present and identify these then use in own writing.
Today you will learn all about the progressive tense (it’s all about the ‘ing’). We have attached a song and video (links below) to help you as well as a PowerPoint (attached). Your aim for Thursday is to complete the tenses worksheet (pg 4). Tomorrow, you will plan your own shape poem similar to the ‘rolling down the hill’ you read. Choose one of the ideas from the sheet and think of as many different progressive verbs to describe the actions you would use. Can you turn your words into sentences and create a shape poem?
Past and present progressive tense song:
Videos to help teach progressive tense:
Pages to print: 4,5 and 6