Virtual Sports with the Points Learning Network
Date: 19th May 2020 @ 10:14am
Hello Dobcroft,
There is a competitive, virtual sports event happening between different schools in Sheffield, and we'd like to get on the leaderbaord! Follow the link below for all the information about how to take part, or read the blog entry posted below. We have until May 24th to get as many points as we can!
What is the Points Learning Network Games at Home 2020?
Unfortunately due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, we had to cancel the Points Learning Network Games 2020. This is always one of the best days on the school calendar and cancelling it left a big hole with huge disappointment for many schools. However we have created a sports day with a twist... it will be taking place at home. There are five events for you to do as part of the competition. Once you have completed the events you will need to upload your score using the online score sheet and it will be then added to your school’s score. The more people in your school that take part, the more points for your school, so get your friends involved
How it works?
Watch the simple videos of the rules and descriptions of the five events
Have a practice
Complete the five events
Get your school friends to take part, the more people scoring points for your school, the more chance there is of your school winning
Make sure you tell your teachers and parent/ guardians to get involved too, as we are also having an adult's competition too!
Please only upload one set of scores per person per day
Keep checking who is winning here
You have until 24th May to get your entries in.