Today in Y5 has been out of this world!
Date: 19th Sep 2019 @ 12:18pm
WOW - Year 5 Space dome planetarium visit
LO: Increase our understanding of space, the planets and the solar system (and be amazed by it!)
We were so lucky to have a visit from Richard and explore the solar system in a gigantic space dome. We looked at planets in detail and saw nebulas, rockets, planets, moons and learned UNBELIEVABLE facts and could also share what we knew.
Everybody had a great time, here is some of what we learned!
Hugo -It was great! I learned that Apollo 11 was the biggest, best and most powerful rocket built!
Audrey - That was one of the best things I've ever done in school! Uranus and Neptune both have rings around them like Saturn!
Hannah - He kept telling jokes and it was A-MA-ZING! If we lived on Venus, our worst problem would be being squished flat as a pancake straight because of the air pressure! We have a tonne of air pushing down on us on Earth but we can cope!