Science topic- gears
Date: 12th Mar 2019 @ 3:36pm
In our science lesson we have been looking at gears. We have been learning new vocabulary such as teeth, mesh, transmission, axel, driver and follower.
We created a 'human' train of gears and showed how the gears mesh together to create a force of movement. It was difficult to ensure the human gears didn't move out of shape because they didn't have a fixed axel in the middle.
When we were asked to go faster, the smaller gears were going very fast, whereas the bigger gears did not go round as fast. We know that if a gear has 10 teeth and another gear has 20 teeth, the smaller gear (10 teeth) will go twice as fast. If a gear has 30 teeth and another gear has 90 teeth, how much faster will the smaller one go?
The pictures of our gear train were incredibly blurry! The year 6's will tell you how hard it was to be a 'human' gear.