PSHE - Excuses, Excuses!
Date: 19th Mar 2019 @ 2:29pm
In our PSHE lesson this week, we have been discussing our use of excuses. Together as a class, we created a drama piece OR a comic strip to show a situation where we might use an excuse; however, we also showed how we overcame this by thinking of something that would counteract that excuse.
For example:
Partner A's goal: I want to raise £1000 for charity
Partner B's excuse: You have way too much homework to do- you haven't got time to do that!
Partner A's reply to counteract: I will make time for homework and fund-raising. I will manage my time well.
Partner A's goal: I want to build an F1 rocket engine
Partner B's excuse: What if you get it wrong because you haven't learnt enough and it blows up?
Partner A's reply to counteract: I'll try again until I succeed- I won't give up!
Partner A's goal: I want to stay sporty and active- I will join lots of sports clubs!
Partner B's excuse: They might not accept you into sports teams because you're not good enough.
Partner A's reply to counteract: I will work hard and if I do that and practise, I will get better.