April Sporting Newsletter
Date: 29th Apr 2020 @ 3:17pm
Team A during week 1 made a big effort to clear and clean PE store. Photos attached of how much kit is actually in there - store is like a tardis!
And by Friday with help from Mrs Fear, Mrs Booth and Mrs Creagan plus some Y5 helpers the store looked amazing! I wonder if Teams B and C can keep it that way??!!
If you came to school the first week after Easter break then you will have tried these challenges, anyone after that may not have done these: can you adapt them if you don't have all the equipment at home? Can you challenge (and beat!!) your parents/older siblings/guardians/carers/friends?!
Don't forget, you can adapt the challenges if they're too easy or hard. Please do challenge the people you live with or via skype/zoom other family or friends - who's the champion?!
Thank you all :)