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Y6 Remote Education Wider Curriculum 19/4

Date: 1st Apr 2021 @ 1:05pm

Geography (lesson 4):

LO: To develop a European map of human and physical landmarks

Starter Activity: Use an atlas or Google Map to help you to:

  • name three country in the northern hemisphere (north of the equator)
  • name three countries in the southern hemisphere (south of the equator)
  • name three countries west of the UK
  • name three countries east of the UK

We are focusing on Europe today. Using the Map of Europe attached and your atlas, find and label the capital cities for 10 – 15 European countries.

To complete the task you will need to understand the difference between human and physical geography features. Geography can be divided into two branches: physical geography and human geography.

Physical geographers observe, measure, and describe Earth’s surface. They study how landforms develop and how they change. They look at how different landforms affect climate. They also study how people change the land through such activities as building cities, digging mines, and clearing forests.

Human geography focuses on where people live, what they do, and how they use the land. Human geographers might study why cities and towns develop in certain places. Others study the cultures of different peoples, including their customs, languages, and religions.

Task 1: Using the Landmarks of Europe sheet, cut out and categorise the landmarks as either human (made by man) or physical (occur naturally) features.

Task 2: Stick your map into the middle of a a double page spread or large sheet of paper and add the landmarks around the outside – labelling if they are human or physical features.

Task 3: draw a line from each landmark to its location in the Europe – use your atlas to help you.

Geography (lesson 5):

LO: To investigate the meaning of symbols on an OS map

Starter Activity: Using your Sheffield OS maps, what symbols/codes can you see? Which symbols do you already know the meaning of?

Use the OS map key to help you understand any more unusual symbols. What do you notice about how are they organised in the key?

Task 1: Pick a map from the selection of four and label a few of the features that you can see (use the Support Sheet if you need to)

Task 2: Use the symbols on your chosen map to help you build a picture of the location in your mind. Write a paragraph to explain what you think it is like.


PSHE (lesson 1):

LO: To understand that images and videos that we see online are not always a true reflection of reality

Starter Activity: Write a short definition of Social Media. Do you or your family use any social media sites? What do you think can be good about social media?

There are many positive things about social media and as you get older, you might become more interested in social media sites – although these usually have a minimum age (13 years) so be careful.

Social media sites let you text, share photos, play online games with friends, and tell people as much or as little about yourself as you want. This can be a very positive thing but there are also some negative aspects. People tend to want the very best aspects of their lives on social media but can be less willing to share the negative aspects of life. If all we see are other people living an excellent life, it can make our own lives feel inadequate in comparison.

Today we will be looking at a range of photos and videos to understand the difference between what people chose to post on social media and what their actual ‘real life’ is like.

Task 1: Watch this vide and compare the photo and comment she put online to the reality of her evening. What was accurate about her image and comment? What were the differences between what she shared and her real life?

Task 2: Follow the PowerPoint presentation to explore this issue further. Take time to consider each question.

Task 3: From the end of PowerPoint, create a series of pictures to show a day in Y6 day that contrast reality with the moment you would choose to share. You can use photos or drawings – whichever you prefer. Share these with your teacher via Class Dojo portfolios.

●              Working hard/getting stuck

●              Playing with friends/arguing with friends

●              Clean clothes/spilling food down clothes



Remember the importance of a healthy life style: Drink water, don’t have unhealthy snacks, and be active for at least an hour a day. Remember that if you are isolating, you can still go into your garden! If the weathers isn’t nice, there’s lot of things you can do online such as Joe Wickes, Go Noodle…  If you need some inspiration for indoor or outdoor exercise, use these tasks!


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