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Y3 Tuesday 19th Additional Maths

Date: 18th Jan 2021 @ 6:44pm

Well done for your hard work on Monday in maths. I have put together another sheet for you to practise your multiplication and then have a go at 3 reasoning and problem-solving challenges. The fluency is designed to get you practising the method. Remember, we were exchanging in to the tens and hundreds (don't forget the little ones!). Don't worry if you find the times tables facts difficult; they are something you need to keep revisiting and we haven't focussed on the 6, 7 or 9s at all yet. I have included a multiplication square to help you with any of the times tables you find difficult. 

With the always / someitmes / never challenge think of examples that prove your choice. 

After our class meet on Tuesday I will stay online to work with anyone who found the maths a struggle on Monday. You are very welcome to stay online if you would like to boost your confidence a little before going off to work independently. 

See you on Tuesday,

Mrs Scammell  :) 


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