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Y5 Wider curriculum Home Learning Week Beginning Monday 8th June

Date: 4th Jun 2020 @ 10:15am

On the 8th June people around the world celebrate World Oceans Day.  The aim is to educate people by organising events to help people understand why it is so important to protect the oceans.  This week, we’ll be learning all about the oceans around the world.  Why don’t you look out when you are watching or reading the news to hear what everyone is doing to celebrate these amazing waters? 

Monday  - World Ocean Day

Open up the file called 1 Monday saved in the list below, as you are reading it make some notes about what you have found out.   There is also this video to watch:  You could write each fact on a different piece of paper, then group them so that it is easier to display these facts on a mind map. 

You can decide what title should be on each branch but if you are not sure there is a mind map saved in the files below called 2 Monday mind map which you could either copy or print out.

Challenge – follow this link to the BBC

Browse through the videos, cartoons and quizzes, add information to your mind map.


Success Criteria                                                                          

- Add images to help you describe each branch.

- Write the main idea in the bubble in the middle.

- Each branch should have between 3 and 6 words so that it isn’t too confusing.

- Use different colours for each branch – you could write with different colours I suggest you use a sharp pencil crayon or thin felt-tip pens.







Tuesday – Layers of the Sea

Today we’re going to discover what happens below the ocean.

Open up the file called 3 Tuesday here you will find out about the different layers in an ocean.

Then watch this video

Now you have a choice: if you like to be creative (and mum and dad think it’s a good idea) you can either recreate the oceans in a jar task.  If this is something you are unable to do at home you could complete the paper task saved below. 

Task – You will only need to open  4 Tuesday layers task and then print certain  pages depending on the task you want to complete.

Pages 1- 3 for *

Pages 4 – 6 for **

Pages 7 – 9 for ***

If it’s tricky to print things out you can just copy it from your screen.

Once you’ve completed the task look at page 10 for the answers.

Success Criteria

- keep referring back to the PowerPoint to ensure you put the information correctly into the diagram.

- It’s OK to cut the information out and stick it on the sheet but could you hand write it?  Remember you’re nearly in Y6 and your need to be able to join all letters accurately with a fluent style.

- Colour each animal accurately, you might need to use the internet or books you might have at home to do this accurately.


There is also a reading comprehension 5 Tuesday reading task optional to accompany today’s task.  If you wanted to learn more about the layers of the ocean then please complete this optional task.  You can read the information on your screen.  You could just the print the question sheet or just write the answers on a piece of paper.  Once you’ve completed, check your answers using the file saved in the folder.

Pages 1 *

Pages 3 - 4 **

Pages 7 – 8 ***

Wednesday – Plastic

Today you are going to find out a little more about plastic and why people often describe it as pollution.  First read the file 6 Wednesday all about plastic pollution.

Either complete Mr Marks Art or the salt ocean pastel and watercolours task.  Instructions and links are at the end of the PowerPoint.

Thursday – Oceans

Today you will develop your knowledge of the oceans and learn where they are situated and what makes each ocean so unique.  Read the file  below called 7 Thursday.

Print the page called 8 Thursday task.

Without looking back at the PowerPoint can you successfully label each ocean correctly?  Once you’ve finished look back through the PowerPoint to check you are right.

Now add to your map some of your favourite facts about each ocean.

Challenge – follow this link to the BBC's%20World%20Oceans%20Day%20on,to%20the%20world's%20five%20oceans.  Add information about each ocean to your map

Success Criteria

Each ocean should be labelled correctly.

Each ocean should have at least 2 facts.

The sea should be coloured in a suitable colour.

The land should be coloured in a suitable colour.


Using all the facts you have learnt, create a poster informing people about the damage that is being done to our oceans.  You could either create a PowerPoint or a poster using felt tips, paint or crayons to make it look attractive.

Success Criteria

Explain when World Ocean Day is.

Describe this year’s theme and what that means.

What creatures live in these oceans and be specific.

Describe what the pollution is and what effect it is having.

Useful Websites

This website seems to suggest that on Monday there will be lots of live ocean films and then type Great Barrier Reef into the search box you get a 3D view of what it is like under the water.  

Any problems please get in touch with Miss Field via parent 2 teacher app 


Files to Download