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Y5 English Week beginning 08.03.2021

Date: 2nd Mar 2021 @ 10:05am

Monday 8th March and Tuesday 9th March

L.O: To listen to a story by Colin Thompson, The Paradise Garden.

L.O: To use thesauruses and interpret the illustrations.

There is lots of work in today's lesson so we have given you two days to complete it. Today you will explore the start of The Paradise Garden by Colin Thompson and then listen to a reading online. Can you answer questions and write about the amazing illustrations?

See document named Monday and Tuesday’s English work. 

Wednesday 10th March

L.O: To make character notes.

Imagine a special place that you know or would like to know and write about this magical place.

Listen to the story you read on Monday again. You will be making notes about the main character. Then you will think about where your special place is. Where would you go for peace and quiet? Does this place exist? Can you design and write about your peaceful place?    

See document named Wednesday’s English work.


Thursday 11th March

L.O: To draft descriptive phrases

L.O: To read a classic poem: ‘The Tyger’.

L.O: To explore the meaning and vocabulary used in different lines. 


What’s your favourite animal? Does anyone love tigers? Today you look at images of tigers and write descriptive phrases. You will read ‘The Tyger’ by William Blake and explore the poem, matching verse summaries and exploring vocabulary.

 See document named Thursday’s English work.


Friday 12th March

L.O: To  answer reflective questions.

L.O: To create my own version of a poem 

Read ‘The Tyger’ for a second time and answer questions. Look closely at William Blake’s illustrations. Can you handwrite a version of the poem?

 See document named Friday’s English work

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